Are you ready for the




Most students of eschatology (study of the End-Times) know that the world is rapidly moving towards a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (a NEW WORLD ORDER) which ultimately will come under the rule of the coming Man of Lawlessness alias the Antichrist. There is NOTHING you can do about it, it WILL happen as it is PROPHESIED in the Scriptures, the Holy Bible. Now here is wisdom. Born Again believers should NOT fight their government for this, whatever they do that will help bring in this World Government, is fulfillment of the prophecies and you can NOT stop or change it. It is part of God’s plan. Nowhere in the Scriptures can you find an instruction from Jesus or His disciples to take that kind of actions nor will you find an instance of such action in the New Testament.

What will happen very soon?

Here is a short summary of what we believe will happen.

The RAPTURE takes place.

After the initial chaos has setled down people will wake up to the New World Order, a One World Government, THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE.

Revelation 17:9-13 “Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, and they are seven kings; five have fallen, ONE IS, THE OTHER HAS NOT YET COME and WHEN HE COMES, he must remain a little while. The beast which WAS and IS NOT, is himself also AN EIGHTH and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction. The TEN HORNS which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. These have ONE PURPOSE, and they give their power and authority to the beast.”

To explain the above verses.

The 7 kingdoms of Revelation 17 are:

  1. Egyptian (3000 BC – 858 BC)

                  Defeated by Assyrian invasion and succeeded by them.

  1. Assyrian (858 BC – 612 BC)

Nineveh destroyed by Medes and Babylonians in 612 BC then defeated by Babylonians.

  1. Babylonian (605 BC – 539 BC)

Begun by Nebuchadnezzar, ended by Medes and Persians.

  1. Media-Persian (539 BC – 532 BC)

Together with Medes destroyed Babylon.   Established by Cyrus the Great.   Ended by defeat at hands of Alexander.

  1. Grecian (331 – 31 BC)

Alexander defeated the Persians and established Greek world rule.  Ended by Roman.

    1. Roman (31 BC through New Testament period with “ Holy Roman Empire.” Fell to Germanic invasion. The thing to remember is that the Roman Empire NEVER DIED, but it LOOKS AS IF it had died. Revelation 13:3 “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been SLAIN, and his FATAL WOUND WAS HEALED. Read it very carefully. It reads AS IF SLAIN and AS IF THE FATAL WOUND WAS HEALED. The Roman Empire was seen AS IF destroyed, but it was ONLY defeated not destroyed. After the RAPTURE the world will be divided into 10 Economic Blocks (kingdoms of which the heads of these ten kingdoms are the 10 kings that NEVER had a kingdom and who will give their power and authority to the “little horn” that comes out of these ten kingdoms and who will be the leader of this WORLD GOVERNMENT (Revived Roman Empire) and eventually the ANTICHRIST. To help you along here is the 1980’s map of how the Elite will most likely divide the world into these ten blocks. Can you see the no1 block and included Trump’s Greenland, Canada, USA and Mexico.
      There are many authors who have said that the coming Antichrist will be assassinated and then revived for Satan to copy the death of Jesus and His resurrection. But that is complete nonsense and unbiblical. Only God can resurrect a dead person. Furthermore, the Scriptures say AS IF SLAIN and AS IF THE FATAL WOUND WAS HEALED meaning that it only looked like so. The main point here is that it is ONE OF THE HEADS that is portrayed AS IF SLAIN. The HEADS of course are the KINGDOMS explained in this section. In John’s time when he had the visions, the Roman Empire was alive and well, but was later DEFEATED by the Germanic Races, but NOT DESTROYED. So as John writes about the Kingdoms he says in Revelation 17:10-11 “and they are seven kings; five have fallen, ONE IS, the OTHER HAS NOT YET COME; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. The beast which WAS and IS NOT, is himself also AN EIGHTH and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction.” In verse 10 there are the ONE IS and the ONE TO COME but doesn’t mention the one that IS NOT, because it was hidden AS IF SLAIN, but in verse 11 it is explained as WAS and IS NOT and is AN EIGHTH, AS IF HEALED. The Holy Roman Empire has been kept alive by the Vatican and other powers in higher places. Many countries in Europe and some around the world have the Phoenix in their Coat of Arms or flags. The coat of arms of Europe has the Phoenix rising out of the ashes. You can also read up about the Club of Rome, the Treaty of Rome and the Bilderbergers (Bilderberg conferences operate under the Chatham House Rule, meaning that participants are sworn to secrecy and cannot disclose the identity or affiliation of any particular speaker).
  1. Revived Roman Empire is a matter of end-time prophecy.

All this written above WILL COME AND SOON.

There is much talk about a cashless society (even in the 1980’s) and the technology that is available now will allow it to happen soon. BUT that will only be the fore runner of the real control that is to come under this coming leader of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

At the moment there is lots of talk about C.B.D.C. (Central Bank Digital Currency) and even the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has said that they hope to have C.B.D.C. in place by 2030.

It will enable the coming New World Order’s leader to take much control over people, but the worst is to come in the middle of the Seven Year Peace Treaty that this leader will sign with “MANY” and break in the middle of that seven year treaty. His False Prophet will help him as  John says in Revelation 13:17 “and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

That’s when God’s WRATH will be poured out on an evil unbelieving world. Almost all of the world’s population will die.

Jesus says in Matthew 24:21-22 “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, NO LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short”.

What Jesus (God, the Word) says will come true 100%. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. ALL WILL COME TRUE. 

There is only ONE WAY to avoid going through this period of hell on earth and that way is


John 14: 6 “Jesus *said to him, I AM THE WAY, and the truth, and the life; NO ONE  comes to the Father BUT THROUGH ME.

The Only Way


If you would like to go up in the RAPTURE and avoid all these terrible times that will soon come upon the earth then click on the button below.

 DON’T wait until tomorrow as the RAPTURE  may take place TONIGHT.

World map of ten kingdoms of Revelation 17

Above you see a map supposedly drawn up by the elite planning to divide the world into ten economic blocks with a “king” leader in each. Will they be the ten kingdoms of the beast in Revelation 17:12 ?

Look at the “kingdom” 1 which will be Canada – USA – Mexico, with GREENLAND included just as Donald Trump is pushing for as per February 2025. Remember these things can only happen if they are in God’s plan.

Another interesting statement was made by the EU foreign policy chief who  declared “Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge.” Friday 28 February 2025. Is this the rising up of the REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE as the SEVENTH HEAD of the Beast of Revelation 13?

You can read more about his on our Topic Pages “Antichrist” and “Daniel’s 70th week“.


Romans 13:1-2 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore WHOEVER RESISTS  AUTHORITY  has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will RECEIVE CONDEMNATION upon themselves.

That in itself does not mean you should obey the authority if they ask you to do something that would disobey a commandment of God. Obedience to God comes ALWAYS FIRST.


Job 28:28 “And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.’”

We can promise you, that if you confess your sins to the Lord, believe that Jesus died for you on the Cross, was buried and rose again on the third day, ask for forgiveness and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, YOU ARE BORN AGAIN.

THEN, if you fear the Lord, study His Word AND depart from evil, GOD’S BLESSINGS WILL FOLLOW YOU ABUNDANTLY.

What is the Rapture?

When is the Rapture?

Who participates in the Rapture?





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You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples. Psalm 77:14

Here are some of God's wonderful miracles.


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