The BAD NEWS is: for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

When Adam, in a moment of disobedience, ate from the tree of which God had told him “but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day that you eat from it you will certainly die”, he lost his “sinless nature” in which God had created him. His spiritual communion with God was cut off and he was now a SINNER, spiritually dead (hence the reason Jesus said “unless someone is BORN AGAIN he cannot see the kingdom of God”. John 3:3.

All humans born after him inherited that sinful nature and are spiritually cut off from God. That is why Paul wrote Romans 3:23 telling us that all fall short of the glory of God and are on the way to the Lake of Fire (which was prepared for Lucifer and his fallen angels and not for men).

Don’t ever say or listen to someone that says “How can a loving God send anyone to the Lake of Fire (final hell). He DOESN’T as you will read on our Topic page GOOD NEWS.

Men themselves make that choice. Paul writes in Romans 3:11 as it is written: “THERE IS NO RIGHTEOUS PERSON, NOT EVEN ONE; THERE IS NO ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NO ONE WHO SEEKS OUT GOD“. You get the picture? Men can not help themselves. No one seeks out God.

Yes, there are plenty of people that seek out FALSE gods that still lead them to the Lake of Fire, but not the one and only TRUE GOD of the Bible, Who reveals Himself to men in His creation, His Son and His Word (the Holy Bible) and offers an AMAZING WAY of avoiding ending up in the Lake of Fire.. There is NO excuse for anybody!  ALL MEN (and women) NEED A SAVIOUR to get them off that road to te Lake of Fire.




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