You have now arrived at a moment in your life that you will remember forever.

Step 1

Confess that you are a sinner and REPENT.

Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
Come to Jesus as a SINNER, because that is why Jesus died on the Cross, for sinners.
Acknowledge your sins to the One who bore the penalty for your sins.
REPENT of your sins.
Ask Jesus to forgive your sins.

Step 2

Believe that Jesus died on the Cross, was buried and rose again!

Believe with all your heart, all your soul and all your spirit the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ. That He came into the world to be our Saviour by paying the penalty for our sins on the Cross. That He was buried. That He rose again on the third day after His death on the Cross and ascended into Heaven where He is seated on the throne beside God the Father.
You can read more about this on "THE ONLY WAY" page.

Step 3

Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour.

Jesus is standing outside the door of your heart. Open up your heart to Him and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour.

Invite Him into your heart. He won’t force Himself into your heart.

The picture at the right shows a door without a handle on the outside. YOU must open up the door of your heart from the inside and invite Jesus in. ONCE INSIDE He will NEVER leave you. Are you ready to be saved for Eternity?

DON’T put it off for another day as you never know what can happen to you at any moment!

NOW is the time for Salvation!

Please pray the prayer below with a sincere heart.

Jesus at you door
Born Again


Here you can find some questions and answers that may help you on your new Christian walk with God.

The moment you sincerely prayed the salvation prayer God the Father takes your hand in His hand and will NEVER let you go. In John 10:28 Jesus says about His sheep (born again believers): “and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” He will NEVER let you go. That is a God’s promise.

From the moment you are born again you will find that when you are doing something that is not right your conscience will start to convict you and will help you turn away from doing wrong. You must start reading the Bible daily to help you in you new walk. You have to allow Jesus do the work on your liffe, because without Him you will fail totally.

The moment you are born again you can feel a real relief from heavy burdens caused by a sinful life. You may feel real deep peace, joy and often a desire to tell others about your new life, a life with Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

We find that the New American Standard (N.A.S.B.) is a good copy to use for your daily reading and study. The King James version is good too but some find it bit hard to read in the old English. You can also read the Bible online at which is a great site with daily Bible readings and excellent tools for your Christian growth.

If you know of a good fundamental and evangelic church in your area try it out. If they are solid in their teaching of the Bible attend for a while too make sure you will grow. If there is no church nearby then we recommend to go this website of the Calvary Chapel in Philadephia (USA), that is a fantastic church to attend online. You can listen to many sermons by Pastor Joe Focht who founded the church in 1981. We listen to his service every Sunday evening and it just feels you are sitting in their church which is attended by 1000’s of people every week. It is a very solid church with brilliant teaching! The address is


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